Individual Adult Therapy

It’s about relationship.

A strong therapeutic relationship between client and therapist is crucial; this is the rock-solid foundation of your treatment. There are many ‘specialists’ with great training in different treatment options. These go nowhere if you do not connect.

And this is where we start.

It’s about you.

The client-therapist relationship is a one-way relationship, versus a friend, spouse, or family member with whom you have a two-way relationship. You may feel judged, or criticized, or afraid for these very reasons to speak your mind, to show your feelings.

We all have insecurities. Some of us need someone like me to observe and process whether your thoughts, feelings, or behaviors are proportionate to the stimulus.

If you expect people to read your mind, that can be frustrating. If you assume you are always wrong, well, that is just ‘wrong’ in and of itself.

Let me honestly assess with you to determine how certain things are affecting your daily living. I can help you be honest not only with me but be honest with yourself. That can be scary for most people, but I help take the fear out of it by normalizing it, and, in some instances, using limited personal disclosure from a life journey filled with hard-earned successes and failures.

In other words, one-way means I’m there for YOU, with no other agenda.

It’s about trust.

You want someone who won’t just tell you what you want to hear, but will confirm, challenge, explore, and question things that may be getting in the way. Some therapists say it is only about ‘you.’ I say that, too, but I also will tell you if it’s ONLY about you that needs to be reframed.

We must live among others, which helps us thrive, love, live, and connect.

You can trust me to acknowledge the pain or struggle and help you move outside yourself to heal as well.

And it’s about the process.

We all see things through different lenses based on our experiences and our “patterns” of thinking, behaving, and feeling. But you may forget – or not even realize – that you have many powerful tools at your disposal!

You have support networks, family, friends, hobbies, religion, medication, etc. You have tools you may not know or ignore; I will hold you to identifying supports and barriers, and support trials in using and creating new ones.

You also have ‘baggage’; we all do. Some more than others. We will identify and categorize barriers that are holding you back, both practical, and emotional.

I’ll expose and highlight existing patterns, create new ones, and help redefine your experience. Is it possible, just possible, that you might not see things in a broad enough view? Or a distorted view?

Now, don’t overthink, reach out. Don’t try, do!

Want to see things in a way you haven’t, in a way that releases tension, reduces the burden, and leaves you feeling that your world seems lighter? Call me for a consult; you have nothing to lose and everything to gain.

Please call me today at (203) 441-7060, ext. 701, or email