My Approach

Doubt. Confusion. Apprehension.

Something must change.

Yet… you’re still uncertain. What’s the right decision?

So many competing voices. So much clutter. So much ambivalence.

And you’re a little – or maybe a LOT – nervous. I get it. That’s understandable.

But you don’t have to be.

A choice you can believe in…

When you choose me, you choose someone who will join with you, for the good and the bad.

We’ll find what you want – and what you don’t want. You might not know initially what those things are, but together we’ll peel back the layers if necessary to discover your needs – and wants.

We’ll clear the noise and find your clarity. When you have that, I will work with you to create steps, goals, skills that raise your “Emotional IQ” – your ability to sense your own true emotions and recognize them in others so that you can create healthy relationships.

We’ll get to know the real you.

Knowing your emotions and those of others allows you to use appropriate feelings, even labeling them. Why? Because often, the emotion you see is something else. Most commonly, it’s anger, the easiest emotion to display.

In reality, life experiences, trauma, unhealthy relations cause us to show anger, but the true emotion could be shame, guilt, embarrassment, betrayal, etc.

Together, we’ll challenge thoughts, which drive feelings, which drive behavior.

Guarantees you can depend on

Though you may be nervous before a session, I can guarantee we’ll create a completely safe space.

You’ll never be judged, labeled, or stigmatized – and we don’t proceed until YOU feel this way.

When you work with me, you will find an advocate in all ways. An advocate for you to explore where you might consider changing things even if it takes you out of your comfort zone.

Getting what YOU really want

Some have called me a “directive’ therapist. That’s not quite true, but I will question unhealthy patterns, behavior, relationships, and thoughts.

I won’t just agree to pass the time; it’s not what I do.

I will NOT tell you what to do, yet I WILL help you figure out what you want.

Becoming the best version of yourself

My approach is based on building your ability to trust yourself.

To use your values and principles, once unearthed, to guide your life.

To create and nurture independence that frees you to make choices for yourself despite what others attempt to dictate. “What others think of you is none of your business.”

Clearing the way for contentment

Many barriers to contentment are rooted in unhealthy ways of interacting with others or an inability to connect to others without causing you distress.

Your interpersonal relationships affect EVERYTHING in your life.

Simply put, we’ll first explore and identify your INTRA-personal relationship – your thoughts, feelings, behaviors.

When they’re strong and true, INTER-personal relationships improve dramatically – driving many areas of your life to blossom!

Nothing to lose – so much to gain

When someone asks, “Why therapy?” I ask, “Why NOT therapy?”

The possibility of psychotherapy or counseling’s setting you back is extremely rare.

If you weren’t feeling well physically, you wouldn’t hesitate to see a doctor, right?

The most successful people seek advice from those who have experience. If you want to know more about yourself, about how emotions, thought patterns, and behavior intertwine, see a therapist.

If you feel like you might need a therapist, you DO.

Let’s get it started!

When you reach out, we will have a brief discussion by phone. Our discussion sets the stage for an initial session, in-person or via telehealth, where the work begins.

First, we must establish a strong therapeutic relationship that acts as the basis for growth, self-exploration, and processing.

It means you will feel comfortable to become vulnerable and honest without consequence.

And that sets the stage for your transformation.

Please call me today at (203) 441-7060, ext. 701.