My Unique Perspective Story

A different kind of success story

Once, there was a young man who came from the middle class, from a good family. Though not book smart, he worked and played hard, yet struggled to measure his worth.

He was passionate, even hot-headed, especially when defending good principles. Yet, he was very kind. After he made it through college, a friend recommended him for a job. He made his way from an office runner to a very high position in a Wall Street firm.

Facing struggles, stress, anxiety, and burnout along the way, he found himself fighting ethical dilemmas, standing on values others did not feel important, to reach what he considered “success.” Staying true to himself was a battle every day.

Having it all – or nothing?

After 18 years, he attained what some would think was all you needed to be happy: money, a house, a wife, and awesome kids. He didn’t read the financial news and took the early train home. He hated talking stocks, yet, he was good at what he did and good to the people around him. On the outside, things seemed great; but inside, he was growing tired. He became more reactive, even volatile.

He knew something needed to change. But what? Why? How? He thought perhaps he was overreacting or ungrateful – or he was flawed since EVERYONE else told him how great this all was. He struggled to make sense of why he would even consider leaving a successful career.

A moment of clarity

And then, 9/11. He was successful – but wasn’t contributing to the world in a way he had dreamed. He felt powerless, small, and vulnerable. He knew he’d lost friends. He was angry, afraid, and sad.

Physically safe, he was abroad on a business trip, away from his home and children, and unable to return for days. During this period, he experienced an emotional epiphany. Over the next four days, the fear of making a change disappeared. It was not just in the moment – it was a change in perspective that allowed him to now see what was wrong – that he was not feeding his best self.

Once he had conquered his fear, the world opened. He processed this during his therapy sessions and made an important discovery: he knew himself better than he ever realized.

Newfound courage

Despite being told by just about everyone not to take this step toward a new, unknown future, he KNEW there was no way he could NOT do it. He realized that every single success (and failure) he had in his life, no matter what the area, was related to his ability to connect, share, support, lead, and gain the trust of those he interacted with.

People trusted his word, his actions, and he had both his and their best interest at heart. THAT was his authentic self, stifled for years – struggling to escape.

And a new direction

So, after 18 years as the top trader at a major Wall Street firm, he called into work on a Thursday, resigned, and never looked back. He ran a small business to pay bills while going back to earn his master’s degree in social services, graduating with high honors from Fordham University.

He now had the clinical training to enhance his relational skills. He had never felt more alive.

Picture perfect? Hardly. Along the way were financial hardship, a divorce, remarriage, loss of loved ones, anxiety, and depression. But NOTHING REMOTELY even close to those experienced during his previous career.

Within a few years, he achieved certification as a Licensed Clinical Social Worker, served as a psychotherapist with a thriving private practice, and felt more content than ever. He realized he could use all the lessons, all the life experiences, all the successes, and all the failures in his new career.

He now was using all the same relationship skills and self-beliefs more authentically. Driving another success, but with an incredibly satisfying feeling of sharing it with others so that they, too, may break down walls, to support their journey from a truly unique perspective.

Every day, month, and year the journey evolved. His therapist traveled along with him. The main character in this story is… ME.

So yes, I talk the talk and walk the walk. And I can help you do the same.

Which way are YOU headed?

Are you getting closer to, or further away, from your authentic self?

Let me support you on your journey, wherever it takes you…

Please call me today at (203) 441-7060, ext. 701.